Our Faith

From the first moment that a student or parent sets foot in a Catholic school, he or she ought to have the impression of entering a new environment, one illumined by the light of faith, and having its own unique characteristics.                         (Congregation for Catholic Education 1998)

The ‘Faith Dimension of the Catholic school’ is its identity and mission, always founded in the person of Jesus Christ as it comes to us through the Good News. In very explicit ways the religious dimension ensures a thorough integration of identity and mission into the whole of the educational experience of every learner.

The religious dimension of the Catholic school supports students to grow in virtue and to embrace a sense of self and the world.

The love and joy of the gospel is expressed through:

Prayer- keeping the presence of God at the forefront of each day

Learning- encountering the questions of God, beliefs and life through dialogue

Celebrations- providing rich opportunities to celebrate the mystery of Christ

Belonging- forming a sense of self, connectedness and purpose

Reaching out- promoting participation, inclusion and equity                                (Horizons of Hope)
